Tuesday, 20 November 2012

The Meaning of Life

 Natural psychology seems more philosophical than other fields of psychology, which seems appropriate since psychology's roots are in philosophy. The article below explores the age old question "what is the meaning of life?" If you've never contemplated this question, you truly need to in order to understand your own life. The only finite things to life are your birth and death, the journey is completely up to your own volition. In my opinion I do not believe there is a simple answer to this question. Perhaps the only simple answer would be to find the things that make you happy, but even that answer is more complicated than it seems. I have never lived my life pursuing one specific purpose, because there is not one purpose that could encompass a whole person's life. I think it is more important to live life with eyes wide open, keeping your own morals and values as guidelines, but not concrete. Maybe we are just meant to live life as it comes and enjoy the journey until it's end. This includes all the ups and downs, because even the things do not seem so positive do contribute to the person we become. I think everything would be worth it's while in the end if we could be happy with the person we've become. Just because there is no definite meaning to life does not mean it is sad or pathetic, it gives us the opportunity to set our own goals and create the life we want, not follow some intended structured path. This idea is what makes life have such intrinsic meaning in my opinion. The best part of this question is that it's open-ended, so you can determine your own "meaning to life," whatever that may be.  

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