Monday 11 March 2013

After Undergrad

I am about to graduate from my undergrad degree and there are no words for my excitement, but I am also full of fear. I have so many different options open to me after I graduate how am I suppose to know what the right decision is? I could move to another country to start a whole new chapter of my life. I could start a career, gain work experience and return to grad school in a couple years. I could go to grad school now. For those of us who are aware of the many current articles out there that talk about this issue specifically are completely mixed. Some say it's a better idea to stay in school, others say it could be a mistake to continue your education in our current society. Ultimately the choice is your own and no outside source is going to make it for you. Just be aware of what you want out of life, make your decision about what will make you happy and help you become the type of person you want to be :)