Thursday 30 May 2013


Generally, people think of psychopaths as selfish, seductive murdering criminals. There is a saying that goes "all psychopaths are serial killers, but most serial killers are psychopaths", meaning that yes, most serial killers are psychopathic, but there are many and more that live normally in society. A lot of these people happen to be very successful, such as CEO's of companies entrepreneurs. Most of these people are aware of their lack of remorse and empathy I think when talking about this subject it is important to remember that these people are wired this way from birth. Just as someone does not choose their race or gender, psychopaths do not choose be to such. A recent study suggests though that it may possible to help people with psychopathic traits focus their intellect and abilities to benefit others, just as much as themselves.  The author's suggest that we can teach empathy to psychopaths, though my opinion is that this study does not show we can teach empathy, but instead shows that helping the group as a whole can benefit the individual indirectly is what the psychopaths might be focusing on. I believe that people who have made it to successful positions such as CEO's, are aware how helping others could benefit their position and perhaps is what helped raised them to this spot within a company. Psychopaths are one of interest to me, I believe it is clear what their intentions are, the achievement of self motivates, though much more research can be done on their behaviours and thought process.


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