Thursday 9 May 2013

Smart, Strong and Beautiful

There has been a lot of news lately covering the rescue of Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus, who had been kidnapped for 10 years. These women will have a long time recovery from their terrifying experience but these women are far more brave and strong than most people in this world. To be able to endure such a life for so long, being locked away from the outside world for a decade is unbelievable. They are going to experience post traumatic stress disorder and possibly more mental health problems, but with a lot of work they'll be able to reintegrate back into the world stronger and more beautiful than ever.

When such an event occurs it also brings up similar happenings from the past. Elizabeth Smart was another woman who had been kidnapped for 9 months, chained to a tree and raped daily. She's another example of an awe inspiring human being. After all that happened to her she is able to keep a smart head about her and speak out about the need to educate youth about sex, their bodies and their relationships with themselves and others. There needs to be more understanding of rape myths and let people know that they don't deserve to be raped and are not worthless because of what happened. Smart is a great advocate for this cause based on her upbringing, her experience and where she is today. 

It's sad to see such websites as this trying to demean her and bring her down, but she is a beautiful human being, a prime example of the awesomeness of the human spirit. Our greatest accomplishments can come out of our lowest moments, and we can rise out of them a brilliant phoenix. That's what these women are, smart, strong and beautiful.


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