Sunday 30 September 2012

Once Upon A Time

So season 2 of Once Upon A Time just ended and I must say I expected a bit more for a season premier. I did enjoy it and I'm more than excited it has started up again, but I found it slightly jumbled and a bit anti climactic. With that being said, I love this series. It's a nice new fresh take on some classic fairy tales, and does not sugar coat them as Disney has and they are not as dark as the Grimm brothers had originally written. Some of the aspects of the show are cleverly placed and thought out, such as the chipped cup (that being Chip from Beauty and the Beast), which makes me anticipate and actively watch to see what the next hidden treasure will be. If you're a fan of fairy tales, this show is a new outlook on the favourites.  
 Once Upon a Time Season 2 Poster

Saturday 29 September 2012

Future Success

I recently read this article about raising "quitters" but it's more about students perceptions about how to approach school. It is written by a developmental psychologist who has been noticing a trend in colleges and university with students dropping courses. Students are dropping courses they think will bring down their GPA, therefore hindering their chances of getting into graduate school. Getting an education is no longer about obtaining knowledge and learning new things, which is a sad state of affairs. Students rarely enjoy going to class, and are more focused on finishing their assignments and papers than actually having a love affair with the material being taught. Though this strategy of "quitting" may be beneficial in the college and university setting, Dr. Darling raises a good point about this strategy being problematic in the real world. I personally believe in sticking with things, and working hard to get where you want to go. Unfortunately in order to get to the professional job you want you may have to take the quitters approach. I am not necessarily are naturally intelligent individual and I have to work hard in order to understand concepts or get what I want, but I think I'm a better person for it. Just because someone has a talent, does not mean they'll master it, not without hard work. This is what's important and makes you a dynamic person, real world ready.

Friday 28 September 2012


This is my first post and it'll just be a quick explanation as to why I started this blog. There are many subjects I have thoughts on but normally just keep to myself. I want to be able to share my thoughts with people and I want to hear their thoughts on the matters as well. Our world has changed drastically from the world our parents grew up in and I believe we have the power to change it for the better still. I can't wait to start looking into different subject matters and express my thoughts about them. I even have the hopes that I may learn new things too, in areas such as fashion and philosophy. So with that said let the expression begin :)